SHOT currently consists of 6 men's teams and 12 women's teams. These can be divided into two categories, namely the selection teams and the breadth teams. For both men and women, the 1st and 2nd team are selections. All selection teams train twice a week under the guidance of a trainer who also works with them every Sunday as a coach. More information about the selection can be found on the selection page. The width teams are all other teams, so these are men 3 to 6 and women 3 to 12. These teams all train once a week and also have a trainer.
Completing the registration form does not mean that you can become a member immediately. This depends on the length of the waiting list, the turnover/outflow within/from the association and your desired intake level.
You can become a member of SHOT at any time by completing the registration form. If you are not yet sure about the level or SHOT, you can always contact the secretary by sending an email to You will always have the opportunity to train with the desired or designated team.
SHOT is affiliated with the Tilburg University Sports Center and also uses their facilities. For this reason, all members of SHOT are obliged to purchase a sports subscription at the Tilburg University Sports Center while playing/training at SHOT.
If you decide to register, this will be confirmed by email by our secretary. This email will also contain more information regarding placement in a team.
For information about membership dues, please see the membership dues page.
Competition member
As a 'competition member' you are a member of our association for an entire season and you can participate in training, competitions and social activities. You are therefore entitled to participate in competitions for a whole year.
As a 'member' you are a member of our association for a whole year and you can participate in training and social activities. As a 'member' you are not entitled to participate in competitions.
Foreign member (six-monthly member)
As a foreign member you are a member of our association for six months. This may have to do with an exchange or a trip! You can become a foreign member in the autumn or a foreign member in the spring.
It is possible to register as both a 'foreign competition member' and a 'foreign competition member'.
Changes to address or other information can be communicated to the secretary at any time by email.
Membership changes for the 2023-2024 season must be communicated before certain dates:
These changes can again be communicated to the secretary by email, whereby we look at what is possible on a case-by-case basis. For example, it is not always possible to change from training member to competition member, as there must be room for this in the team.
Be on time when reporting a change to, for example, a foreign member, because if you do this too late, you will be obliged to pay for the competition membership.
Please note that these changes will not be implemented until you have received confirmation from the secretary.
If you, as a member, decide to unsubscribe from SHOT, you can do so by completing the unsubscribe form and sending it to Unregistration is always only possible for the next season and this must be done before May 15, 2024. It is not possible to unregister during the current season, so your unregistration will always be processed at the end of the current season.
The termination of your membership is only final once you have received a message from the secretary confirming your deregistration.